So helpful. Just wished I could have stayed calm and carried on last week. Sometimes that subconscious turmoil just doesn’t want to stay down.

So, I guess I’ll just start again somewhere in the middle.

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Thankyou for your beautiful mantra which took me right back to homer in chidamburum and all the emotions I got then that cut me in half. Again.

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loved this...it seems that we can really be at our best when equanimity, is the foundation. More reachable when he are able to reduce "the noise." Healthy boundaries are central to this. As DB said: "We’re going to have to pull ourselves together, create some equanimity (upeksa), and put a stop to all that noise (think: nirodha) inside if we want to be lucid enough to feel, even express, our most heartfelt experiences, like friendliness and compassion." Thanks, Douglas!

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