It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit cakram "circle, wheel,"

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all the way back to, it appears, the proto-indo-european:

*kwel- (1)

also *kwelə-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "revolve, move round; sojourn, dwell."

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and of the many many beautiful & challenging ideas you've raised from the chthonic, slumbering depths that of hunting & listening for the roots of words is one of meta-magic . . . so here i offer us and invite you, douglas, to help us explore the many journeys of the word "colony": . . .

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All i know is what you've taught me time after time, story after story:

"Paradox is not a miscalculation, it is how we care for both tender heartedness and sustain our backbone. As I’ve said before, it’s more important to stay engaged and learn more about learning than to opinionate when there’s still so much sorting to do."

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Thank you D for “being there,” as always, and your encouragement and words.

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