When the world appears as fractured shards and a splintered heart longs for meaning where do you turn? How will you twist and turn to bring your purpose and character to what is possible and valuable? We need to listen more deftly to heed the inner voice in moments of doubt. When certainty fails to appear, we need ways to become more skilled in response, more innovative in change, more steady in alteration.
Today we begin a deep study of one of the most important and rarely examined characters of India’s mythologies. With Ayyappa we learn to create and to cross boundaries; we enter the forest of feelings where the lucent and the obscure become unlikely partners; we study the yoga of addition and creative lustration. These stories can really help; they offer us ways to persevere and to grow as individuals and in relationships. The Ayyappa Equation. Join us on Zoom. The portal opens about 2:30pm Eastern.
Rajanaka Camp begins at 2:30pm-ish on Thursday, July 11th. Then on Friday and Saturday we will have morning and afternoon Sessions beginning at 9:30am till lunch and resuming at 1:30pm till about 4:30pm. Saturday night is Curry Night at our home. Sunday morning we will do puja, ‘cause everyone likes a puja party.
All of this (except for Curry Night) will be available on Zoom. And HERE is the Camp Zoom link:
There are no passcodes, no restrictions. If you decide to come then please pay tuition. (This is always our Zoom policy: the door is always open and our honour system is so honourable it reverts to civilized Commonwealth spelling. Ha!)
You can participate entirely, partially, however you see fit. If you need financial help to meet tuition, then write to me: douglas@rajanaka.com Everyone gets a chance. That’s how we roll.
Yes, there’s still room and you would be most welcome. It’s not like nothing else ‘cause then it wouldn’t be anything at all, but it really is somethin’ worth your effort…please come!
This is the correct link to the Archive recordings, which are complete through Saturday afternoon. You can cut and paste here:
Just an update. I have uploaded the recording of our opening Summer Camp Session (Thursday afternoon) to the Dropbox Archive. If you access, please offer the tuition. There are no codes or restrictions to access, so you're on your honor. I'll make sure we update the Archive as we go along.https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tr9ulgtv86zj04bh1pzq4/chat.txt?rlkey=hivkcnvnqn8grjnoy7pcb1a4q&st=ie66y7b9&dl=0
Hey D- this link only goes to the Zoom chat stream!