This is just what I needed. Hit the nail on the head. I know that my heart’s desire is best reached through what the tradition calls Bhakti. However, my Upaya is to understand what Rajanaka calls Bhakti. I don’t know what that is yet, but I know what it’s not. 🙏

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Love this DB! So much to assimilate, integrate and reflect on.

Self-excavation as prerequisite for upaya instantly came to mind. Yet, that interrogation of self must be balanced by the ballast of being a self among selves, a self in the world. Not just any world, but a world governed by norms and the normative nexus. We are surely not amongst the renunciates here...

As I become more virtuosic in my self-understanding and embodiment, I am a self that is mutable, that is changed by my relationships and my interests, my causal interactions in the world I find myself located in and on. My facticity must surely be determinative of my upaya and my upaya surely impacts my circumstances...

An initial thought.

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