Today was my last in Cidambaram by myself. I made a point of getting to the Great Temple at the earliest hour for darshan—-the young Diksitar Pujari today was resplendent in purple dhoti, women sang songs of devotion, and there was anga parikrama, a circling of the sanctum courtyard by full body length rolling. Let me tell you what happened today.
Pilgrimage Diaries, Day Four, Purple Rain, Priests, & Devotees
Ritual as a Life of Purpose in Practice
Dec 27, 2024

Rajanaka Studies, Auspicious Wisdom & Soulful Contemplation
Rajanaka invites the study of comparative religions, philosophy, language, and mythology, with special attention to ancient India and eastern traditions. We offer practical, soulful conversation without dogmas or professions of faith.
Rajanaka invites the study of comparative religions, philosophy, language, and mythology, with special attention to ancient India and eastern traditions. We offer practical, soulful conversation without dogmas or professions of faith.Listen on
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