I have a few days by myself before my fellow pilgrims arrive in India, so I have taken this opportunity to make my way to Cidambaram to spend time in the great temple, the temple as the Tamil people call it, of the Dancer, Siva Natarajar. I made it to the first arhati and puja of the morning, beginning about 4:45am. This diary tries to describe what it is like to enter the Great Temple and participate in this experience. I hope to have the time to make at least one diary entry everyday for the next 20 days of our pilgrimage.
The Pilgrimage Diaries
Day One, Early Morning with Sri Nataraja in Cidambaram
Dec 24, 2024

Rajanaka Studies, Auspicious Wisdom & Soulful Contemplation
Rajanaka invites the study of comparative religions, philosophy, language, and mythology, with special attention to ancient India and eastern traditions. We offer practical, soulful conversation without dogmas or professions of faith.
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