I’m celebrating Christmas in Colorado with my family & these diaries feel like Christmas presents. I am cherishing them! Thank you!

Delighted you ran into close family at Tillai Kali Amman temple - how very auspicious & wondrous.

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Thank you for these personal entries❤️

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It was lovely listening to you acknowledge what you do frequently and so appropriately, how you "got the lucky" with Dr. S and the family. Of course, he and his family "got the lucky" also to have found you and in such a lovely and complete way invited you into their family.!! Coincidence that you encountered your family members at such an important moment as they marked the one year completion of mourning? or something else... as Gandalf likes to say, "there are higher powers at work." ( I know that DB will not go for the this option but I lean into it!). Thanks for these sharings. I agree with Chelsea...a present to all of us in Rajanaka Land...and didn't we "get the lucky" to have found Douglas!

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Heh-heh...timing is everything (said the stage manager)

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It was wonderful to hear your delight and feel your heart in this telling of your remarkable encounter! And I am so grateful for your descriptions of TK Amman.....I teared, nearly sobbed recalling my first encounter with her. It brought be right back to that moment. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences in these diaries. I am so grateful.

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Nandri !!! 💜🙏💜

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Your unfolding of the reversal, the moebius flip, of the temple, to reenter the world is to reenter the womb of the chthonic mother . . . how powerful and viceral a message . . . thank you!

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What a blessing you shared with us. 🙏 remarkable.

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